Teaching Quality improvement in Secondary Education (TQI-II)

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Teaching Quality improvement in Secondary Education (TQI-II)

Support the National Teacher Education Council (NTEC) to develop teacher competencies, training programs and set the standards for training providers; Provide support for Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) for ensuring quality teacher registration to ensure quality teacher for non-government secondary schools & Madrasha; Help the training providers including Teacher Training College (Govt. & concern Universities to provide high quality training; Strengthen the monitoring capacity of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education for teacher performance monitoring;

Enhance pre-service and in-service teachers’ training programs including continuing professional development for upgrading teachers’ professional knowledge and skills; Support Inclusive Education by increasing the proportion of female teacher in education institutions and female members in School Management Committees (SMCs); Ensure professional competence of teacher, trainer and concerned education officials;

Enhance project management and effective monitoring reporting on progress in line with the project goal; Develop partnership between the govt., Non-govt. Organization and IT companies to ensure that all teacher training programs contribute to meeting standards and conduct educational research. 

Project funded by: Asian Development Bank
Implementation agency: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, MOE

Developed by: Star Design BD