Home Services


Services provided by Tranche Management Ltd. (TML): Curriculum and textbook review; training organization and monitoring; implementation of new 2012 curriculum; assistance for development of plans for pilot of a practical activities-based science teaching program, and support development of E-learning modules and teachers materials to support ICT in education; support for piloting of promoting math and science education for girls through campaigns and motivation;

assistance for planning and on-going implementation of curriculum training for 100,000 teachers (at least 25% female); (40,000 madrasah teachers; all available female teachers); supervision of activities to strengthen activity-based teacher training in science, and initial planning for new curriculum review (Tranche 2), assist to conduct technical due diligence of the PFR 2.

Development of program modalities, training programs, and systems for teacher support and; support for on-going implementation for the development and implementation of the plan for school information hubs; prepare a feasibility study, plans, and preliminary procurement requirements for the establishment of information hubs in selected secondary schools and madrasah by June 2016 and; provide assistance for supervision of all activities; assist in reporting.

Project funded by: Asian Development Bank
Implementation agency: Directorate of Primary Education, MoPME 

Developed by: Star Design BD